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  • 平台:WinAll
  • 大小:33.7M
  • 语言:简体
  • 类别:网络工具
  • 授权:免费软件
  • 更新:2023-05-08
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The official account cover download tool is a powerful and simple-to-operate resource download software that can help you quickly obtain the cover resources in WeChat official accounts. It supports batch downloads. You only need to import the WeChat official account to easily download the covers.

The official account cover download tool is a powerful and simple-to-operate resource download software that can help you quickly obtain the cover resources in WeChat official accounts. It supports batch downloads. You only need to import the WeChat official account to easily download the covers.



1. Open the software and copy the WeChat public account article link, one link per line, to achieve batch downloading.

2. Select the path to save the downloaded image and click Download.

3. The downloaded article cover image has been saved in the directory where you downloaded the image.